One sure fire way to build your child’s self-esteem is to show them their self-worth. A great way to give them stronger confidence is through the assurance of belonging and being loved by their family. One Of the best ways to do that is through family photos through the experience of a family photo session. It is crucial that they feel important, cared for, and loved. Children can clearly feel first hand at the session when they are hugged, kissed by the people who love them. This is playful and fun for them and they can see and then remember how they felt and how others felt about them when they hold that photo in their hand or see it up on the wall. It is a clear visual that they have value. They are loved. They really belong!
As a photographer, I create images that tell your family story. This shows your child that they are a part of the family unit. It gives a clear definition of them in a safe and protected space where they see themselves in the family photo and see how uniquely they fit in to the family story. They also learn their genealogy and see themselves as part of the family roots. Images communicate that these people in the photo accept me as part of them, that is why I belong here and this is what I come from. Images that stay in their heart and mind of the people that surround them not only loving on them but each other. Siblings playing together, parents and grandparents hugging and looking into each other’s eyes are so important. Including your extended family is always a great way to achieve this.
Quoted from Judy Weiser, psychologist, article from How Family Photos Boost Your Child’s Self-esteem, “When a child can see, touch, and interact with a photo it activates all their senses.” We live in a digital world and to have to search on a phone or a device to see themselves is not likely to happen because they either don’t have a phone or device or have that type of photos in their gallery. The best way for your child to really catch this vision for themselves is to see it up on the wall. Photos on the wall create a sense of certainty, nurtures confidence that they are loved and truly cared for. Another great way to achieve this boost for them is in an album on the coffee table perhaps. A book in hand that they can feel, hold and interact with and maybe even show their friends and loved ones.
Think about how we reminisce at our parent’s house when we go through old albums and laugh when sharing fond memories of those we love that may not be with us anymore. I hope when you see yourself in their arms or your arms around them that you can smile and say, “I was loved!”
Whether you take photos on your cell phone, point and shoot camera or hire a professional photographer, the most important thing is that you PRINT them! Get them on the wall or in an album. There are so many options today, you can string an old frame and clothespin prints to them to make it super easy to change, or create wall art by printing metal or wood prints. Albums are super easy and fun to create, also.
Whatever you do be ready to capture special moments in your child’s life and display it for them!
Stay tuned for upcoming blogs on creative ways to show off your family photos and what to wear for your upcoming sessio