The Lucerne Inn Maine Winter Wedding
Dawn and Dan Hogan

What a beautiful day for Mr & Mrs Hogan at the Lucerne Inn. A mid-March wedding with the perfect snow covered fields and mountainous backdrops. Dawn is from Maine but moved to New York to attend school where her Dad actually setup her up with Dan. They met and talked over dinner at the local Denny’s and the rest is history. 

So many things stood out to me but one specifically was all the sentiment that went into planning their wedding. The Groom’s ring was handed down as a gift from the Bride’s Great-Grandmother and the Bride’s earrings were a gift from her Step-Mother’s parents and her necklace was passed down by her Father’s mother. What a laugh we all had after the anniversary dance was done and the last couple that was married the longest was asked for their secret to a long, happy marriage explained and it was the gentleman’s turn to answer he pointed at Dan and said “Keep your mouth shut!” I never laughed so hard behind the camera. What. Great. Advice! The Bride and Groom gave him a thumbs up! 

I could not stop smiling as the newlyweds interacted with each other and their guests with so much love and admiration. Such a loving couple. In fact, Dawn insisted that her wedding was the perfect setting for her brother to propose to his girlfriend. When it came time for the bouquet toss the bride turned and walked up to Sam and handed it to her as her brother, Tristan, got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife! Of course she said yes as tears and laughter made its way all around the ballroom. 

I treasure being a part of these sweet family moments and I truly thank you Dawn and Dan for allowing me to be a part of documenting one of the best days of your lives together. So Far! Thank you for being brave and fighting the wind and cold to have a gorgeous backdrop for you photos. Congratulations to you both and your families it was and absolutely wonderful day!

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