Boho Balloon Garland Cake Smash | Lakelynn Jennifer
Balloon Garland ~ DREAM+air Etsy
DREAM + air
My granddaughter, Lakelynn’s, first birthday was a boho dream come true. She looked adorable in her pretty green dress. Lakey had a blast smashing her cake, smearing frosting all over her hands, enjoying every bite. One face plant had it all over her face!! So funny! After the cake, she had a relaxing bath in the clawfoot tub filled with bubbles. What a water mess she made splashing and smacking the water and making a big old puddle. Her smile could not have been bigger for the camera, so very many faces! It was a perfect day for our little Lakey Bakey. I do have to say she was the first baby to poop in my tub! Doodles you are so very loved!