Boho Balloon Garland Cake Smash | Lakelynn Jennifer

My granddaughter, Lakelynn’s, first birthday was a boho dream come true. She looked adorable in her pretty green dress.  Lakey had a blast smashing her cake, smearing frosting all over her hands, and enjoying every bite.

Building Your Child’s Self-esteem is a SNAP!

One sure fire way to raise your child’s self-esteem is to show them their self-worth. A great way to give them stronger confidence is through the assurance of belonging and being loved by their family. One Of the best ways to do that is through family photos through the experience of a family photo session. It is crucial that they feel important, cared for, and loved. Children can clearly feel first hand at the session when they are hugged, kissed by the people who love them. This is playful and fun for them and they can see and then remember how they felt and how others felt about them when they hold that photo in their hand or see it up on the wall. It is a clear visual that they have value. They are loved. They really belong!

Building Your Child’s Self-esteem is a SNAP! Read More »